Wednesday 10 July 2013

Let the DAP 2013....Begin!

DAP 2013 has started! We all met up at the airport, checked in and arrived in the waiting area with no problems.

Here's a picture at the airport:

Rashae, Jahroy, Shavonte', Kiana, Chiante' and Rashun

 Everyone then got a bite to eat before boarding the plane. Unfortunately, we were spread all throughout the plane and some had a longer flight than others. For example, armpit perfume, atheist old ladies and sleeping heads (ask about them later - lol). During the flight, we met Alexander Star who is a fellow musician, songwriter and producer.  He had just performed in Bermuda at the Evolution Fashion Show, sponsored by the Corporation of Hamilton. (

PlayList CEO Theresa Minors & Songwriter/Vocal Producer/Performer, Alexander Star

During the duration of the flight, he told Mr. Minors about what he does. In turn, Mr. Minors told him about the program. After what seemed like forever, we managed to get the the car, pick up some food and go to the house. Sadly, there wasn't a Dodge this year, but we still represented it in spirit. Everyone then got settled and ate their Chinese from Panda Express. Later in the evening, our vocal coach, Jason (JJ) Slyvain came to the house to introduce himself. He proceeded to tell the group about their amazing week ahead of them. Each participant was then asked to perform. DAP 2013 was then told to select their musical track and start brainstorming song concepts and ideas.

Here's a video of Jason talking a little about what to expect during the week and the expectations of our instructors:

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